Friday, January 30, 2009

New Year Redo

The last day of the first month of 2009 is here, and I haven’t made my usual preparations for the New Year. So, I’ve decided to adjust my calendar just a tad.

I’ve included January as part of 2008; and I’ve deemed that February 1st is the first month of 2009. That means this year will have only 11 months instead of the usual 12.

People borrow all kinds of things including money, sugar and electric drills; then it’s pay- back time. I borrowed a month. Makes sense to me.

I’ve got to get busy and make those resolutions and clean out my files. I also need to take down the remaining Christmas lights in my front yard. The cedar pollen has been so bad that every time I spend more than 10 minutes outside I sneeze for the next 10 minutes.

I bet 2009 will go by even faster than 2008. But by 2010, everything will have evened out.

2008 take away 9…carry the one…I’m so glad I learned to borrow and subtract in the second grade!

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